The information posted here are for my personal information.
Do not use it unless you know what you are doing! we are not to blame. . Remember that all information found on the web should be examined from several sources before using it. The information here is not incorrect, only deficient so it can easily be used incorrectly 😉
All posts by jsf
Using rsync to copy a big file
rsync -avS --progress -h fromPath/fileToCopy destPath/
Code language: Bash (bash)
Take image of a partition?
sudo dd if=/dev/sde1 | bzip2 –best > $(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)_sde1-backup.bz2
or only read the used space and store it:
e2image -Qap /dev/sde1 sde1.qcow2
bzip2 -z hde1.qcow2
Convert it to a raw image (unzip it first)
e2image -r hde1.qcow2 hde1.raw
Installing the amdgpu driver complanes about hwe thingy.
You probably have upgraded your system from 18.04 to 20.04?
If you remove xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04, the driver should install.
Colorfy text from output
egrep –color “\b(PASS|FAIL)\b|$”
Turn off the encryption on Android phone
Go to Settings->Security , hit the “decrypt” button
Reset phone and the process will take about 20 minutes, leave the charger in!
The data should be in there. ref
If no “crypt” button is found, then forget it
Backup all data on Android phones
adb backup -shared -all -f ./Backupfilename.ab
Howto mount it on a computer
dd if=Backupfilename.ab skip=512 bs=128k iflag=nocache,skip_bytes oflag=nocache,append conv=notrunc of=OutfileimageEXT4.img
do this with all the ab files it creates, change the if= to the next file, leave the parameters as is.
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop OoutfileimageEXT4.img /media/username/mountpoint_for_your_image
How to set big panning
xrandr –output LVDS1 –panning 1920×1080 –size 1920×1080
Get correct value from negative numbers in modulus
a=-1, b=5 => ((b+(a%b))%b) = 4
Nice coding fonts
Jetbrains Mono